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Gulkarmat Kecamatan Jagakarsa Semprot Lumpur Sisa Banjir di Ciganjur
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

Mud and Waste Left by Floods in Ciganjur Cleaned

It is done to create a sense of safety for the passing vehicles

Jagakarsa Sub-district Sector X officers sprayed water into mud left by the floods and landslides on Jalan Damai, RT 04/02, Ciganjur Urban Village, on Friday (10/16).

Tedi, Team Leader of Jagakarsa Sub-district Sector X Pump I said that it was carried out by sending eight personnel and one pump car with 2,500 liters capacity.

Waste Left by Puddles on Jalan Panjang Cleaned

"It is done to create a sense of safety for the passing vehicles," he expressed.

According to him, with the strong water pressure from the pump machine in the fire engine, the remaining mud and waste on the road could be cleaned perfectly.

"It is carried out more than 500 meters long," he told.

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